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Ansicht Fahrplan Satellit Hybrid Terrain Mein Standort Vollbild Vorheriges Nächstes
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Angebote aufgelistet in Fourth Ward

Benutzer Bild

Townhouse for rent

$ 2,100 / month
Just steps away from QM2 express bus to Manhattan and local buses; only minutes from the L ...
Just steps away from QM2 express bus to Manhattan and local buses; only minutes from the LIRR. Walking distance to ...
3 2 150 m2Einzelheiten
Benutzer Bild
open house

Luxury villa for sale

from $ 2,000
This property is mostly wooded and sits high on a hilltop overlooking the Mohawk River Val ...
This property is mostly wooded and sits high on a hilltop overlooking the Mohawk River Valley. Located right in the ...
1 1 400 m2Einzelheiten
  • Kontakt


    Thomas Berg
    Immobilien Projektierung GmbH
    Postfach 21 23
    57228 Wilnsdorf

    Tel: 0 27 37 | 21 47 81
    Fax: 0 27 37 | 21 47 82
    E-Mail: info@thomasberg.de

Vergleiche Einträge